The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Catch You On the Flippity-Flip”

The Office–Series creator Greg Daniels wrote the perfect send-off to our beloved Michael Scott, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Things started off sweetly, with Michael going down a list of the whole Dunder Mifflin crew, and presenting them with gifts, much like The Wizard of Oz.  We especially liked the creepy sock doll he gave Oscar, and how much joy he took in Oscar’s acceptance of it.  We also learned from his brief visit with Angela that her State Senator boyfriend is most certainly gay.  Not that Michael noticed.  Oscar asked him where he wanted his last check sent, and this set him off.  He freaked out alone in his office about that fact that Boulder won’t have the same channels and he’ll miss all his shows, plus he just figured out where to go to vote. We then learned he’d lied, and his last day wasn’t tomorrow, but today.  He fretted over getting through his list, and we all got worried when Pam left to price new shredders and he wouldn’t have his moment with her.  Jim managed to figure out was going on, and the scene between John Krasinski and Steve Carrell got the waterworks going, big time.  We also loved his letter of recommendation for Dwight, the fact that Toby has a brother in Boulder (who looks like Ryan and Toby had a baby, frankly) and his fatherly outdoor chat with Erin.  Oh, and there were clever callbacks to old episodes for us diehards, the most obvious being the mittens Phyllis was knitting Michael.

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