Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – The Diving Bell vs the Butter-Glider

“They discover us every other week. I can’t keep wiping their memories – it’s starting to make ‘em buggy.” – Brock Samson

The good guys head down to the submarine docking bay to get the X-3 Submarine, but it’s gone. At that moment, a SPHINX sub surfaces – Brock and Shore Leave have busted up a group of pirates. They approach Hunter Gathers to ask for use of the sub, but he refuses and demands the boys be mindwiped. Again. Hunter finally relents, but only if Brock leads the mission. Hatred objects, and says he should be the leader, but Brock convinces him that he’s Doc’s bodyguard, so his role is to stay behind and guard his body. Billy shrinks the boys, Brock, and Shore Leave, and White injects Doc with the X-3.

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