Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – The Diving Bell vs the Butter-Glider

–We get a little idea of their status quo right now – the boys don’t seem to be surprised to see Brock, so they haven’t had their memories of his return completely wiped, but apparently they stumble on SPHINX headquarters on a regular basis. Brock proves that the mindwipes are messing them up by asking Dean what day it is and getting the reply, “Sagittarius”, while Hank claims the color of Brock’s tongue is “Wednesday, like a light Wednesday.” They used this idea early on in Heroes, where wiping somebody’s memory repeatedly starts to do permanent damage (though they later abandoned it, as they did with so many other things). Sgt. Hatred is still jealous of Brock, and it’s cool to see how well Brock shuts that down and leaves Hatred smiling. Everybody has a man crush on Brock Samson. Also hilarious are the repeated references to Hatred’s “Huggin’ hands”. I also like that Hatred calls Brock quitting his bodyguard job as “Pulling a Palin”. I propose that this enter the lexicon immediately.

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