Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – The Diving Bell vs the Butter-Glider

For the obsessive, the Venture jet is the X-1, the sub (which we’ve never seen) is the X-3, and the X-2 is the huge boat that they used in “Ghosts of the Sargasso”, currently in the possession of Jonas Venture Jr.

Beyond that, it’s worth noting that Brock and Shore Leave busted a crew of pirates. See how they look like regular people, with very little exaggeration in their design? They started building last season that SPHINX was shutting down real threats, and not the Guild-sanctioned supervillains. The Ventures dealt with cartoon pirates who pretended to be ghosts, while SPHINX fights real world Somali pirates, the kind we see on the news. It’s a cool thing, where they have Brock moving out of the fantasy world that they inhabit. I wonder if that’s going to be a theme for the season.

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