Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – The Diving Bell vs the Butter-Glider

–Brock is still lying to the boys about the cloning, which at this point is probably for the best. One day they’re going to figure it out, but it’s not going to be today. It seems Doc did have a stroke, and the X-3 was the source – it caused an embolism. I like that Hatred is so quick to cite Guild rules to 21 – he was a member for years himself, after all, and he expects them to abide by the rules. This is the second time in two episodes that 21 has operated independent of the Guild, which seems like it could be a problem. Also, we haven’t seen HELPeR since “Blood of the Father, Heart of Steel”, and I miss him, even though his Walking Eye body is creepy as all hell.

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