Author: EJ Feddes


LOST Revisited: “The Constant” (Feb 29)

Before we get into the time-displacement goodness, I have some theories from Lost buddies. Kelli from Grand Rapids suggests that Kate is actually responsible for Claire’s (probable) death. Guilt does seem like the only thing that could actually get Kate to take responsibility for another human being. Pretty good idea, […]


LOST Revisited – Eggtown

I recommend taking a big gulp of your favorite beverage ten seconds before the end of every episode from here on out. Who doesn’t love a good spit take? Before we start on this week, I have some things to address from previous weeks. First off, it seems almost unanimously […]

Movie Reviews

Film Review | Jumper (2008)

Remember 2002, when Hayden Christensen caused the nation, perhaps the world, to lose interest in Darth Vader? He’s back, and he’s doing his best to make teleportation seem boring! Jumper could, in theory, have been good. When I saw David Goyer’s name among the writers, I thought it stood a […]


Lost Revisited (Week 3)

Now that’s how they celebrate Valentine’s Day on Lost Island! Lovers shooting each other, betrayal, and creepy dudes lusting over dead girls. Actually, if Jack’s “one hundred days” statement is correct, this episode takes place on New Year’s Day, 2005. Remember back when we were young? Hey, Sayid’s one of […]