Author: EJ Feddes

View-Do Lists

View-Do List: Schedule Schmedule

We’re still getting our faces striked off, but The Daily Show and The Colbert Report return without writers on Monday.This’ll be interesting – they’re both very funny comedians, but you can’t put together a half-hour of political satire by yourself.Also, as a Guild member, Stephen Colbert technically is prohibited from […]

Movie Reviews

The Simpsons Movie (dvd)

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of The Simpsons in popular culture.Actually, that’s not strictly true:“If it weren’t for The Simpsons, innocent people throughout America would be stabbed to death.”There, I’ve overstated its importance.Let’s instead say that The Simpsons is one of the most important fictional works of our time. […]


EJ’s Top 15

It’s hard for me to lump all my stimuli into a single list.  Is a good book better than a good movie?  Is a song better than a TV show?  Are bears better than cheese?  I don’t have the ability to toss everything I’ve seen, read, or heard this year […]