This week, we’ve got a new Batman series, SNL cast members write Spider-Man, and more action than you can shake a stick at, provided you don’t mind ending a clause with a preposition. Personally, that is something up with which I will not put. And yes, I have now started […]
Muppets, Seaguy, and Not-Quite-Batman
With a drastic reduction in our recapping schedules, we have to write about something to keep that sweet, delicious content coming over the good old series of tubes and into your throbbing eyeballs. That sounded much more disturbing than we intended, and we apologize. Anyway, it’s time to take A […]
BEST OF spunkybean: A Beautiful Gory Display – The Watchmen (from October 16, 2008)
*** Due to our excitement about this weekend’s release of The Watchmen, spunkybean is proud to re-run EJ’s column reviewing and explaining the two-decade love affair with this classic graphic novel. *** Thanks to the trailer for next year’s Watchmen movie that ran with The Dark Knight, DC Comics has […]
A Beautiful Gory Display: Inauguration Day Special (Jan 20)
So, right up until the coolest pilot in the world managed to land a plane on the Hudson River and, if the facts I am making up are correct, didn’t even have to ask the flight attendants to interrupt meal service in the process, a surprising amount of news coverage […]
A Beautiful Gory Display: The Spirit
By now, you’ve probably chosen not to see The Spirit. You have made the right choice. It is a bad movie. If this movie somehow took physical form and walked down the street, you would band together with your neighbors to kill it with fire. But it’s important to note […]
A Beautiful Gory Display: Watchmen (Oct 16)
What it comes down to for me is that I dressed up like an owl and fought crime because it was fun and because it needed doing and because I goddam felt like it. – Hollis Mason Thanks to the trailer for next year’s Watchmen movie that ran with The […]