Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Nominations and POV, Week 8 (Sep 3)

The HOH competition requires Keesha, in her only official HOH act, to dress as a carnie and handle the proceedings.  Basically, we’re playing skeeball, based on hitting the exact date of an event that took place in the house.  Renny is awful at this, even when she knows the day she’s aiming for, and racks up a good amount of penalty points, ensuring she’s farthest in the hole and will have no chance to have the least points, which is the goal here.  Memphis simply has no idea when stuff happened, for the most part, so he’s screwed.  Dan is focused, as is Jerry, and it comes down to the final three questions, where each man hits the exact number on one question.  Dan has bad luck at the worst time, however, and his ball rolls 11 slots away on the second to last question, and gives Jerry an opening to catch up.  The presumptive final four is sort of devastated, but I am a little amused at how quickly things changed.  Jerry keeps up with his “talk to me” mantra, while the other four try to figure out who’s going up.

Later, they all have to go see the HOH room, and Jerry notices the ass-kissing.  Jerry receives a stuffed snake that comes complete with old-timey story, and gathers the kids ’round to hear Grandpa’s tale.  Memphis lets us know it won’t “be exciting, make any sense or be funny” while Dan tries to endure the story “from 1935” and not fall asleep, which is no easy task.  Keesha is the most animated during the story, even turning to Dan with a “How ’bout that?” look at the end.  Funny scene.

After a pointless segment in which we find out that Renny sleepwalks and eats chocolate in her sleep, the male and female sub-alliances again tries to figure out Jerry’s strategy.  Memphis goes so far as to make a Final 2 deal with Jerry to insure his & Dan’s best case scenario. 

At the nominations, to which Renny wears a black sequined cap, Jerry puts up Dan & Keesha, admitting that the POV determines everything anyway. He DRs that Keesha is the pawn, and he wants Dan gone.  On the other hand, Dan wants Memphis to win POV, save him and put up Renny, which Memphis agrees may be the best for him, as she’s the only one of them he has no explicit deal with at this point. 


We recap the nominations, and Keesha DRs that she doesn’t really believe that she’s a pawn.  In a bedroom, she and Dan talk over POV possibilities. Dan then heads to the HOH, in his St. Mary’s shirt, some more, where he meets up with Jerry, who could also stand to swap out his red sleeveless t-shirt once in a while. They bs about the POV as well, and Jerry reminds us in the DR about his deal with Memphis.  Later, Jerry talks to Renny about POV in the kitchen, and it’s almost like it just dawned on her that she could still go up.  She begins to freak out, quietly.  After we see her go to talk to the others, Keesha DRs that she’s “flipping her lid”. 

In a scene straight out of America’s Funniest Home Videos, the whole gang is out in the yard when they observe some skywriting and try to decipher it.  Me?  I have no clue what it said.   The important part is that Jerry fell in the pool.  Yes, that’s right, Jerry was trying to read skywriting and fell in the pool.  Dan DRs that the pool’s been in the same place for 60 days and hasn’t moved, and Jerry feels like an ass, as he should.

We then get to see Memphis working all three of his end game strategies with Jerry, Keesha and Dan.  He’s a good liar, mostly because I can’t tell who he’s lying to most.  He says he hasn’t really decided who he’d go to final two with, and I believe him.  This is followed by a scene of Dan imitating Renny, like five year olds do, as he explains that he finds humor in annoying her.  Renny has almost no patience for him at this point.

In a bedroom, the foursome gathers, and Dan DRs that he enjoys pushing Renny’s buttons.  He bugs her so much that she smacks his leg.  He shouts out “physical violence” and she says “give me a penalty”.  Cabin fever has gotten to her big time.  Also, she has the quickest temper about the dumbest things, so this is all sort of par for the course.  She DRs that Dan is a “jackass”.  Memphis and Dan resolve to get her nominated.

It’s time for the POV.  It’s one of those they seem to do each year, where they combine two (or sometimes three, I think) houseguests and make one hideous person.  This time, they’re making the world’s ugliest babies.  The first duo is April and Dan, a baby with some sharp, angular features and close set eyes.  The Keesha/Steven baby looks like it’s been beaten.  Jerry and Michelle make a baby with creepy eyes and very little gray hair.  Libra and Memphis’ child kind of has a stripe, which is just tacky.  Renny and Jessie’s kid has bug eyes and a wig and Brian and Angie’s baby are just lucky anyone remembers them well enough to get this one right.

Dan rocks it, while Jerry struggles.  Memphis is dialed in and super-focused.  Renny gets hung up on the Jerry/Michelle baby, as if there’s a line up of gray, balding gentlemen to choose from, and blows it, admiring her baby with Jessie all the while.  Keesha says her offspring with Steven looks like a gorilla, and she appears to do well also.  Ultimately, Renny tanked, with a time of 23:42, while Jerry did slightly better than I thought, with a time of 8:01.  Dan is announced at 2:58, but is beaten by Memphis at 2:50.  Wow! Keesha was sort of in the hunt at 5:16.  Jerry looks sort of upset at Memphis’ win.  He wonders if he’ll stick to his word or not.

Keesha is on the verge of tears in the DR, as she realizes she can’t save herself and Renny this week.  Outside later, Memphis tells Dan if he saves him, he wants there to be “no antics”.  Dan’s like, “oh, no speeches” and Memphis is like, “no, just stop with the dumb games and drama, ok, sparky?” only he doesn’t actually say those words.  He does reiterate that Dan cannot nominate him or vote him out next week if he does this.  Dan, of course, agrees.  In the kitchen, Keesha and Renny note the pow wow and say they don’t think Memphis will get rid of Dan.  At another time, Keesha asks Memphis straight out if she’s leaving and he insists she is not.  He says they need to have Renny up and must trust Dan, which Keesha says she hates to do. 

Inside again, Renny is getting nervous, and Memphis says no one is talking about her.  She just asks him for “a chance”.  Jerry and Memphis talk once more about Final 2.  Memphis throws out the idea of sending Renny packing and Jerry insists Dan should go.  He says he can’t see Renny winning, while he is sure Dan would if given the chance.  Memphis knows he’s on thin ice with Jerry if he vetoes Dan.

Finally, here we are.  And it’s Dan’s 25th birthday!  Keesha says she can’t ask Memphis to choose who to veto, wearing the same boobalicious green top she’s been wearing throughout most of this episode.  They must all be getting really lazy with the laundry.  Memphis does follow through with vetoing Dan, and a pissed off Jerry has no choice but to put up Renny.  In the DR, Renny vows to go down swinging, while Jerry promises “retribution” to Memphis for breaking his word, which technically, he hasn’t done.  He just said he take you Final 2, Jer.  Memphis will have some repair work to do with The Colonel.  Dan tells us that the “renegades live!”  Well, it’s a dumb name, but not as stupid as the Four Horseman, so we’ll just deal with it for a couple more weeks. 

See you Thursday, when we are promised a peek at the Jury House!

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