Big Brother

Big Brother 12: Nominations and POV, Week 1

In the HoH room, Enzo, Lane, Matt, Kathy, and Monet tell Hayden that they’re suspicious of Brendon and Andrew. Kathy is sure the saboteur is a woman, because it’s totally her. You’ll see.

Annie pulls Ragan aside to tell her him that she’s bisexual. This scene is so weird – he thinks it’s great, but we already know that she’s open about her sexuality but just hasn’t yet mentioned it in the house. I don’t think that’s time for a tearful admission. “Everybody who has ever met me in my life prior to this week knows that I’m bisexual. Now you people who I have known for four days also know.” Ragan says she’s giving him a great gift. So we’re going to be overdramatic, are we? Just making sure.

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