Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

David interviews that Richard has anger issues, and he spent “four years in a federal penitentiary for cheating and lying”, and there are several unrelated facts in there.  So he confronts Richard, who apologizes and says he didn’t even realized that he’d touched David.  I really feel like David’s looking for a fight here, or he has Tiny Man Syndrome, or something.  And if you can get me to think you’re wrong when you’re arguing with Richard, then you’ve got to be off-base.  Richard interviews that David is out of his league.

At ASAP, Star passive-aggressives at Lisa about the conversation yesterday, and these two hate each other so much.  Star thinks their print ads are great.  Lisa agrees, but then interviews that they’re useless.  It really looks like she tried to get a little too fancy, and they’re not terribly appealing.  But they have the disadvantage that the women’s team almost always has at the beginning – they are not as immediately famous as the men.  Their names don’t really pop if you see them on a sign.  Except for LaToya and maybe Marlee, there’s not that instant recognition.  David Cassidy, Meat Loaf, Jose Canseco, Gary Busey – those are names that have an instant association.  With the women, it’s more like you’ll eventually figure out where you know them from. The Visa Black Card Backbone sends Jon, John, and Busey onto the street.  Richard gives Busey a bag of pepperoni and begs him not to throw it at people.  Then why give it to him in the first place?  You are asking for trouble.  Give Busey a bag of sliced meat, and it will be hurled.  He starts screaming at people in the street.  Lil Jon invites people to “make it rain”, which I think is something you do in strip clubs.  Very rarely do charity events use that terminology.  Busey starts throwing pepperoni around.  Surprise! (I kind of think this single  is what might have sold Trump on his circus reference from the top of the show.–Myndi)

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