Star sends Lisa and Marlee to deliver pizzas – they’re only supposed to deliver over a thousand dollars, but Star insists on a $300 delivery. Star insists it’s “worth it”, and Marlee interviews that she’s a little embarrassed. I feel like there’s a great untold story about this particular pizza. Why is Marlee embarrassed? Did they deliver it to an orgy? Do I have to start writing Celebrity Apprentice fan fiction to get the answers I need? At the restaurant, some guy who has the douchiest hair ever orders 40 pizzas, delivered to two locations, for $40,000. Woo! Then Curtis calls ASAP and places his order. He tells her that there’s “a sizable donation” waiting for her. NeNe remembers that she hasn’t been on camera in a while, and explains that they need to make money to win the task. With a lot of pizzas to make, Star decides to close the store and devote all their energy to getting the orders ready.