Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

Star calls her big donor and asks if he’ll accept 20 pizzas for the same $40,000 which is such a cheap-ass move that it makes me queasy.  But it turns out, he’ll pay that much for one pizza.  Star calls Lisa and Marlee and demands they get back right away and yells at them.  Lisa is pissed, because she can’t control traffic.  Marlee is cracking up in the back.

John and Jon make some deliveries, on to Mark Eko, the designer.  That might be spelled wrong, but I’m not looking it up, because thanks to my years as a Lost recapper, my spellcheck is perfectly happy with “Eko”.  No word on whether the designing Eko has a Jesus stick.  Lil Jon asks for free clothes.  Busey rants about how pizza won’t give you gas.  David skips out for a break.  Richard complains that David is taking a lot of smoke breaks, but we see he’s actually calling his daughter Katie, who is apparently on Gossip Girl, to come with a donation.  But he also smokes, as we see him leaving a smoldering stub by the door.  It’s such a lengthy shot that I think they’re foreshadowing that David is going to accidentally burn the place down. The Visa Black Card Marlee and Lisa get back to ASAP, running across a busy street.  Is that advisable for somebody who can’t hear traffic?  I love how for Marlee, deafness isn’t even an inconvenience.  She’ll run in traffic, she’ll go on a dancing show.  Heck, I bet she could write a more insightful music review than I could.  She’s the deaf version of Daredevil.  Lisa’s mad that the restaurant is closed, and she and Star yell a lot.  Marlee, Lisa, and LaToya all head out, racing the clock.  Keep in mind that not only can they not control traffic, they aren’t even the ones driving.  They deliver their $40,000 pizza, but they’re running out of time for the firehouse delivery.

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