Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

Richard also thinks that his team won, but let’s be real here.  The editors couldn’t even make it look close.  He calls Jose a “workhorse”.  David agrees that Jose was the star of their team, because he only took one break.  Gary says everybody was the best, and he’s all hoarse from all that street screaming.  He explains how they made him look crazy to play the Pepperoni Profit, but really, he looked exactly like he looks.  Trump asks Busey why his eye is puffed up, and he explains it’s a residual from cancer.  Smooth, Trump.  NeNe shoots him a dirty look, and I can’t put it any better than Joel McHale did – she’s giving cancer a “who farted?” face.  (And HD makes that face even more abhorrent, if you get my drift.  Also, WTF is she wearing?–Myndi) Trump assures him that he’s still handsome.  And yet, his puffiness means his eyes will never be as pretty as Dennis Rodman’s.  When asked what they could have done better, his answer is “everything we did on the day of the task.  That means we did better”.  Everybody laughs uncomfortably. #1 in Identity Theft Protection Trump asks Jose’s hairplugs what they think of Richard.  Jose, despite having not spoken the entire episode, suddenly reveals a deep hatred for Richard.  Trump explains that Jose was right about baseball, thus he is always right.  What was he even right about?  It’s not like he introduced the world to the concept of steroids, or that he made a moral choice.  He got caught and then tattled.  Jose says that Richard was physical with David, and I think what we saw was so minor that he’s creating the issue right here and now.  And the idea of Jose Canseco as protector of the little guy is positively surreal.  So Trump asks Jose why Richard dislikes him.  That’s not a question you can really answer about another person, you know?  Jose assures us that he stands for the truth, except all those years when he lied his ass off.

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