Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

Trump reins it in by saying that Curtis liked the women’s pizza “much more”.  Which is not at all what Curtis actually said.  But nothing is close in Trump Land.  Anyway, they missed out on the donation.  They find out the missed donation was $35,000 and everybody looks sick about it.  Ivanka reveals that Backbone raised $54,104.  So you can see this isn’t even going to be close.  ASAP raised $115,368, so they would have won even without the $40,000 pizza.  NeNe is excited that they would have raised $200,000 if they’re made that last delivery.  Her understanding of math makes it less surprising that she’s in bankruptcy right now.  That’s a lot of money for the American Heart Association.  Star names Niki as the best player on their team, so Trump gives the lost $35,000 to Niki’s charity, the Red Cross.  OK, that’s actually very cool of him.  I mean, it didn’t cost him anything, but still.  After watching this show for as long as I have, I’m just happy to see him not eat the check in front of a group of orphans.

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