Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

Trump asks David if he’s embarrassed talking about how Richard touched him, and this is equal parts creepy and hilarious.  Busey weighs in, which is to say he rambles and blinks.  He goes into his Pepperoni Profit act again, and this is really a case of diminishing returns on craziness.  Trump suggests that the team threw the task to get Richard fired, which is pretty ridiculous.  Richard makes it worse by saying that Jose’s too dumb to come up with that plan.  Then he makes a reference to “little people”, and David stands on a phonebook to protest that slur.  He says it’s offensive and also that he weighs 140 pounds.  I have no idea why we need to know his weight, but trivia enthusiasts should take note.  And, you know, he’s not a midget.  He’s just a short dude.

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