Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

In the men’s suite, Richard announces that he came up with a few names, and then pulls a list out of his pocket.  He did homework for this show!  And it’s a pretty thick list!  He’s totally the Rachel Berry of this season.  Lil Jon, who is the human version of Clifford from Muppets Tonight, interviews that he “can’t be associated with nothing lame”.  Dude, you have metal teeth and you’re on Celebrity Apprentice.  You have not lived up to your mission statement.  He comes up with “Winners”.  Gary Busey suggests “Magnitude”, and for just a moment I am excited at the possibility of a full season of Community references.  Pop pop!  Richard watches his carefully constructed list fall apart.  He tries to jump in with “Penultimate”, and I suspect that he thinks that word means something different than it actually means.  (“Hey, it’s Team Second-to-Last!”)  Busey comes up with “Sperm Farmers”, which gets a laugh from everybody but Richard.  And since they cut away to the other team here, for a few moments we’re left with the glorious possibility that they’ll actually go through with it.  Imagine if Trump had to say “Sperm Farmers” every week.

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