Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

The woman don’t have quite the frat house mentality the guys do.  We see that Star brought her little Maltese dog in her purse, and she’s adorable.  I have a dog who’s half Maltese, so I already like Star better.  They immediately settle on ASAP, which stands for “Artists, Singers, Authors, and Professionals For a Purpose”.  So, shouldn’t it be ASAPFAP?  Lisa Rinna doesn’t like the name, and makes an unfortunate reference to “the sisters”.  I’ll assume that she meant the sisterhood of the team, and not as a collective grouping of African-American women, because that could get old in a hurry.  Marlee teaches them how to spell out their name in sign language.  Somebody pronounces sign language “Hot”.  As if Marlee’s only into it because it’s trendy, I guess.  Everybody agrees that Star should be the manager.  Hope Dworaczyk interviews that she didn’t want the position, and that’s pretty much the only thing you’ll hear from her this week.  Thanks for playing, Hope!

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