Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Lisa Has Breast Implants”

This week, each team is going to run a pizzeria.  They have to choose from one of two locations, none of which means anything to me since I know bupkus about New York geography.  Not only will they sell out of the pizzeria itself, but each team will also have a delivery truck.  Winning project manager gets money, losing team returns to the Boardroom.  Don’t even act like you don’t know the drill by now.

Team Backbone discusses their strategy, and Richard tells everybody to go after their big donors.  There’s an exciting phone call montage, notable for the fact that we see Meat Loaf wearing cheaters – those little half-glasses Homer Simpson wears when he does paperwork.  David Cassidy and Jose Canseco talk to Richard about something involving using Jose for marketing, but Richard wants everybody making calls.  In an interview, Jose and his hairplugs complain about Richard’s management style.  He also says that he doesn’t have any big donors he can call because everybody in baseball hates him.

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