Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Season 12–Performance, Week 6

The show kicked off with Hanson playing “Mmm Bop”, of all things.  It’s just weird now that the Hanson brothers are all married (yes, even little Zac!) and have a small army of children.  I never need to hear Brooke Burke say that song title again, by the way.  She also sounded more vapid than Paris Hilton when they were done and she said,  “That was hot.” Sometimes I kind of miss Samantha Harris; not gonna lie.  Tony and Lacey are the featured pair of pros (along with the whole “DWTS Troupe”) and they execute a fairly death defying series of lifts and flips.  Lacey still hasn’t fixed her hair color, though.  So there’s that.

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One Comment

  1. Guilty pleasures only works for you if you did, in fact, feel guilty about any of it.

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