Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Season 12–Performance, Week 6

Romeo & Chelsie (28/30)–These crazy kids did a waltz to “My Heart Will Go On” and it was lovely, really.  Even the apparently unplanned kiss Romeo planted on Chelsie at the end.  I’m not sure what other deep and meaningful insight I can offer you here.  Romeo bought into the idea that he was Jack and Chelsie was his Rose, and the overall success of the dance hinged on that fact.  Carrie Ann said it was magical.  Len said he has maturity and the dance was romantic.  Bruno said it had a new level of poise and finesse, although he thinks, like Len, that he could use some work on his frame.  Carrie Ann had no such concerns, and busted out the first 10 paddle of the season.

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One Comment

  1. Guilty pleasures only works for you if you did, in fact, feel guilty about any of it.

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