Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Season 12–Performance, Week 6

Chelsea & Mark (28/30)–Their quickstep to “Walkin’ on Sunshine” was really cute!  I liked the gimmick of them being bookish students with nerdy glasses, even though I don’t know that Mark needed to teach Chelsea how to do the official Mark Ballas Guppy Face.  I could have lived my whole life without seeing that.  The footwork was strong and sharp, and there were neat little breaks, timed perfectly to the music; it’s the type of “fresh, young, hip” stuff that is permissible, since it’s worked into the framework of the dance.  Len said it fused high energy with control, which is tough.  Bruno said it was bright and luminous, and the runs were “on the border” of real difficulty.  Carrie Ann pretty much assured another 10 is coming with her brief comments, and it did.

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  1. Guilty pleasures only works for you if you did, in fact, feel guilty about any of it.

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