Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Season 12–Performance, Week 6

Kendra & Louis (25/30)–Their samba to “La Vida Loca” had its moments, but Kendra is still both self-conscious and totally in her head.  She was counting steps and looking around like she wasn’t sure she should be doing whatever it is she was doing.  Louis having her climb on the judges table and shake her ass all over the place was pandering, plain and simple.  And Bruno waving a dollar bill at an actual former stripper didn’t help.  Hank dug it, though.  Carrie Ann thought she was in her element.  Len liked it.  Bruno was 800 kinds of inappropriate with his “comments” , but Tom got him back on behalf of the entire audience by busting out footage of him in the “I’m Still Standing” video, which, if you haven’t seen it, you’re missing a treat.

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One Comment

  1. Guilty pleasures only works for you if you did, in fact, feel guilty about any of it.

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