Waiting for the New LOST

We’re getting to that time of year when Lost fever traditionally sets in.  You know, when all the promos start and everybody catches up on the previous season so they’re all ready for the new episodes.  And even though Lost ended last year, I still feel a little bit of […]


LOST Revisited: “The End”

“All of this matters.” – Jack Shephard I’m going to be honest with you here right off. I loved the finale. I think it was strong, exciting storytelling, and it hit all the emotional notes that it needed to. And even if you don’t care for the Timeline X bits, […]


LOST: Pre-Game for “The End”

“Two kinds of stories: ‘Stranger comes to town’, and ‘Just trying to get home’. This one’s both.” — Larry Young, The Black Diamond It’s hard to read that line from spunkybuddy Larry’s graphic novel without thinking of Lost. But there’s another line that strikes me, from the same book. It’s […]