Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “The Good News”

And then come the prostitutes.  I’m still weirded out by the idea that Don has a regular prostitute that he patronizes.  That’s just not his style – usually we’ve seen that the guys set their clients up with prostitutes, while Don, Roger, and the rest just cheat on their wives for free.  Don’s more of a booty call guy.  Not that they had those then, but you understand.  Regardless, I was even more surprised that Lane took his prostitute up on her offer.  It’s certainly presented as being the first time he’s done this, possibly the first time he’s been unfaithful.  Again, I think he’s pulled along by the Don Draper whirlwind.  He doesn’t seem to have any real regrets in the morning, which is interesting.  Has he given up on his marriage?  Is he trying to be one of the guys?  Yeah, they’ve officially made Lane Pryce compelling.

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