Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “The Good News”

Don’s layover in L.A. was announced via Harry Crane, who is clearly still not the big shot he’d like to be.  At that point, we knew we’d see Anna Draper again.  And, although an entire show set against that backdrop wouldn’t work for me, seeing the level of comfort that Don-I mean Dick-has with Anna is like a breath of fresh air.  She’s the only one who knows everything about Don, and not only likes him in spite of his shortcomings, but actually respects, admires and truly loves the man.  And his adoration of her is the most mature and stable relationship he has.  Maybe it seems obvious, but it bears pointing out that it has never involved sex.  The revelation that Anna is dying of a rapidly progressing cancer that has already spread to her bones is a devastating blow to an already crushed man.  And the fact that he doesn’t get a say about cluing her into the illness she is suffering from without her knowledge is truly heartbreaking, not to mention that leaving Anna in the dark is just plain wrong.

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