I love how even when he’s doing something unseemly, Don has these boundaries, like not letting Lane or the hookers into the kids’ room. But then, after Lane leaves-insisting on giving him the $25 for the girl-Don collapses onto the couch and stares off into space, slackjawed and drained. No one was happier to see 1964 end than Don Draper.
Except maybe Joan Holloway Harris. I was surprised to see Joan in those stirrups (shades of Peggy, anyone?) but even more surprised that she was actively planning to have a family with Greg. I wasn’t really shocked to hear that Joan had had a couple of “procedures”, though, based solely on the fact that she was a sexually active young woman who we know had several affairs prior to her marriage, and birth control may have been a little less foolproof in the early 60s. The big question is whether or not she aborted a little Sterling.