Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “The Good News”

It looks like we get to catch up with The Campbells next week, and we’re finally, officially into the second half of the sixties.

Don (not Draper)

What was not to like about Sunday’s episode? Personally, any story involving prostitutes is A-OK in my book. My favorite movies of all time are Leaving Las Vegas and Pretty Woman – she wanted the fairy tale, and Gere couldn’t give it to her, and then he could …and he conquered his fear of heights and scaled the fire escape. So, I guess what I’m saying is that I really hope Don Draper isn’t just “using” that prostitute, and that he and Layne Price move in together in a spin-off from this show, and they marry those prostitutes, and hijinx abound. Working title: “That’s No Lady, That’s My Wife” …Monday’s at 9 on CBS!

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