Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “The Good News”

I also love a story with Cancer. But it wasn’t as enjoyable and most Cancer stories when we learned Don’s West Coast moral compass was stricken with the disease, and fitting of the ’60s, nobody was going to tell her. Amazing that nowadays, we have 3-day walks and pink ribbons and we actually cure cancer on occassion, but as recently as 1964, it was simply a death sentence. But this is not about Cancer, but about Don losing yet another guidepost for his directionless life.  Seems to me, now that he’s divorced and it’s between Christmas and New Year’s, he should’ve brought the kids out to L.A., and then to Acapulco. Why not? Would Sally divorce him and hate him even worser? And Don can easily come clean to his kids – kids will look up to their fathers no matter what. And, besides, if L.A. Anna’s  neice had seen Don being a great Dad, I think Don would’ve stood a better chance of bedding her.

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