Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “The Good News”

I wonder how many of you were like me, and the minute this nubile young bikini topped neice walked into the room and Don remarked, “last time I saw you, you didn’t have any teeth”, how many of you groaned …no beggged …”Don …please don’t sleep with her. It’s creepy.”

Just when I thought Weiner and company couldn’t strip this show down any further, we’re now going to lose L.A. Anna, Lane Pryce’s only non-work distraction (unless you peg him for a new, destructive whore habit), and now, officially, Joan’s husband – who can’t see him dying overseas? The most fitting metaphor of the show was Don Draper painting and fixing L.A. Anna’s wall. She says to him, “a patch of new paint is just as bad as the stain.” I love the show, but even this was a tad too much, Mad Men writers. Maybe you should’ve gotten Morgan Freeman to walk on screen and mug to the camera and narrate that line. And then show clips of Joan getting “fixed” by her husband, and Lane getting “fixed up” by Don, and both of them “covering up” their hurt and their loveless marriages and lives with alcohol, huge steak dinners, and whores. Talk about a vice-trifecta.

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