
EJ’s Top 20 of 2010 – Part One

18.  The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret – This IFC oddity “from the mind of David Cross” featured Cross as an office temp mistakenly promoted to oversee the entire European sales department of Thunder Muscle, a revolting energy drink.  It’s a fish-out-of-water comedy with the added twist that Todd is petty, venal, and a compulsive liar.  No matter how bad things get for him, and they get fantastically bad, he still sort of deserves it.  Will Arnett plays Todd’s angry and profane boss, who turns out to be another accidentally ascended temp, and it’s a blast to see the Arrested Development costars playing off of each other.  (As they also do in Running Wilde, though their scenes there are fewer and farther between.)  I really hope there’s a second set of episodes coming soon, because things are just going to keep getting worse, and thus, even funnier.

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