Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations Week Eight: Big Brother Update

Since there was so much live stuff going on in the last episode, we spend a pretty good hunk of time going over what happened off-camera on Thursday. It’s amusing to me that Hayden is so worried about people finding out about the Brigade – given that three of the six people in the House are in this alliance, it’s really not paramount that they keep it secret. Also, Lane is happy when Hayden won the HoH for the second eviction. “I was like, that’s my boy. I know him!” Hee.
Ragan tells people that if he’s the one who goes, there are no hard feelings. He’s doped out the Brigade’s existence, so he knows he’s one of only three viable candidates. The Brigade assures Brendon that Ragan is going home and Brendon is going up as a pawn. Hayden seems to really want Ragan out rather than Brendon, because he can’t hold onto a thought for very long. Of course, Ragan went on to win the PoV, so Britney went up in his stead and Brendon went home. You know all this. Myndi talked about it. Hilariously, Britney is happy that “the neander-tal is out”. Brendon may never live that down. Enzo, in the Diary Room, says that Brendon can now be with Rachel and “go make ugly babies”. I feel gross for laughing at Enzo. Of course, the fact that’s still in the penguin suit makes it funnier. Ragan says that he has “mad respect” for Brendon, which sounds really unnatural. Also, he refers to himself as “the house gay”. I don’t know if that’s funny or sad.

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