Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations Week Eight: Big Brother Update

The Brigade talks strategy, which is a futile task. Lane doesn’t want to be HoH, because he’ll have to put up either Britney or a Brigadier as a pawn. So he says that hopefully.. hee… Sorry about that. He says that hopefully… Ha! Hee hee. *chortle* Wow, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. He says that hopefully Enzo (giggle) can (hyuk) win HoH! BWAH HAH HAH HA HA! I’m sorry, but that is hilarious!
Since this isn’t the Live show, Julie Chen is not there to host the competion.  That always feels weird.  Without Julie’s presence, I don’t think it counts as legally binding.  You could end up with a lawsuit related to this HoH Big Brother. Outside, they have a blackjack table set up, and Enzo is excited that they’re going to play cards. He even gets to take off the penguin suit, which is a load of crap. Punishment is a punishment. Anyway, it’s not really Blackjack. They have a grid on the ground and a flipper arm. Hayden will deal them two cards that total 21, and then they have to flip a ball into the spots on the grid that correspond to those cards. Whoever uses the fewest balls wins the hand. Man, these competitions are getting hard to explain. It was so much easier when they just stood for a long period of time.
Lane, who if you recall does not want to win, gets it in two balls, the best score possible. Hilariously, Enzo is surprised that Ragan can play Blackjack so well. You guys, Enzo thinks this is really how you play Blackjack, with the balls and the catapult. In Enzo’s mind, every game is basically Calvin Ball. Anyway, Britney has the worst score and is eliminated.
Enzo manages not to hit any of the targets in the second round, so Lane is irritated that he has to take it upon himself to win. Hayden points out that Enzo is the most consistent player in the game, in that he always loses at everything. Enzo is this season’s Natalie.
It comes down to the wire, but Lane beats Ragan in the final round. That’s right, Lane is Big Brother Head of Household this week. Who saw that one coming? Lane’s kind of irritated that he has to nominate people, but he had to know Enzo wasn’t going to come through in a competition. Enzo is insistent that Britney be nominated. Probably should have tried to win so you could actually nominate people, huh?
Ragan is sad because he’s sure that he’s going home. Lane then asks Hayden and Britney who should be the pawn. Neither of them wants it – Britney for obvious reasons, Hayden because he’s bad at math. (You’re guaranteed one out of the two votes. Worst case scenario, Lane breaks the tie and you’re safe.)
Time to see Lane’s HoH room! They are freaked out by the pictures of Lane’s brother, who somebody correctly points out “looks like the Undertaker”. He also explains his job (oil rig salesman) and says he really just takes clients golfing. He’s the Ken Cosgrove of whatever company he works for! Everybody seems happy for Lane, which is a nice change of pace.
In the hammock, Britney and Hayden talk. She says she doesn’t know that she’d vote for Lane in the Final Two, because Lane doesn’t need the money. I think Britney is totally working him, for what it’s worth. If it comes to it, Hayden’s not going to backstab her, because he thinks he has her vote. Getting rid of her is somebody else’s problem. That’s a good move. Also, it seems like Lane’s family really is rich. That surprises me, because we’ve seen them. I don’t think there’s that much money to be made in Backyard Wrestling DVD’s.
Later, Enzo freaks out about the possibility that he could be nominated. Again, not good at math. You know, let’s say that Enzo, Hayden, and Lane are Final Three. (I know – gross.) It is going to be awesome to watch them turn on each other. They haven’t yet grasped that only two people get to go to the Final Two.
Later, Enzo is making a big deal about sitting on the weightlifting bench. He’s pretending that he’s flying a spaceship. At least he’s in the penguin suit, so that makes it kind of funny. Penguins make everything funny.
Lane is confronted with Pandora’s Box. He sees an image of a Money Tree. If he opens Pandora’s Box, he gets to pick money off of a tree that has more than $10,000 in its branches. Lane takes it. But there’s a catch. He only gets to pick three cash envelopes off of the tree, but for each envelope he takes, one punishment will be inflicted on the entire house. The first envelope contains $79. The next one? $12. And his third envelope holds only seventeen cents. That’s three punishments for $91.17. Ha!
He goes to warn the Housemates about what happened, but nobody really believes him because everybody lies about Pandora’s Box. Ragan thinks the punishment is that they cloned Rachel. Which is unlikely, but still chilling. They get there first punishment shortly thereafter – they have no silverware or cups for the week. Since we see them eating sandwiches and tortillas, it’s obviously not a massive inconvenience.
Britney talks to Lane about nominations – he says he’ll put up Ragan and Enzo, but only if Britney promises not to take him off the block if she wins the Veto. She also thinks that Enzo is going to get mad. And then Britney asks if he likes Hayden better than he likes her, and he can’t really answer that.
Later, Lane tells Enzo and Hayden that he wishes he could put himself up. Enzo says to put up Ragan and Britney, and finally Lane says in the Diary Room, “This sucks, I wish I was playing golf’. Hee. These guys are making this way too hard. This is as safe as a pawn can be.  Nonetheless, I have a feeling that the Big Brother Veto competition may be kind of intense this week.
And with that, it’s Nomination Time! Long story short, Lane nominates Ragan and Enzo. Enzo pisses and moans in the Diary Room, and I don’t care. Let’s just see what those other punishments are! I bet they’re at least a little bit insane, which should be fun for Myndi come Wednesday.  Be sure you come back for all the Big Brother news!

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