Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season Twelve – Week 4 Results

Speaking of twisted games, after the announcement that they’re not safe, Chelsea and Mark are awarded the encore dance.  Hee.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen them announce the encore right after the first set of results before.  They are going for MAXIMUM DRAMA tonight!  If nobody cries, they have not done their job.  And just like that, I talked through the entire dance.  But, you know, it was good last night.  Still good.  Wouldn’t it be a heck of a thing if somebody totally biffed the encore dance?

Tom announces that next week all of the dances will be set to songs about America, “in honor of Patriot’s Day”.  I have never heard of “Patriot’s Day” until this very moment.  Is that a real thing?  Did the Tea Party institute it?  Is Bristol Palin still on the show?  I’m very confused.  I do like the idea that Russian people will be performing to a song about America before being judged by a British man and a crazy Italian guy.  It really is a melting pot!

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  1. Pingback: Dancing with the Stars Season Twelve – Week 4 Results | Entertainment Blogs

  2. Don Kowalewski

    “Russian people will be performing to a song about America before being judged by a British man and a crazy Italian guy. It really is a melting pot!” …freegin’ brilliant.

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