Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season Twelve – Week 4 Results

Next, Brooke chats with the three lowest-scoring couples.  My favorite part is that Sugar Ray Leonard talks about going home and watching his dance on TiVo and cheering for himself.  Hee.  It really seems like he’s having a blast on this show – I think I’m doing the right thing by voting for him.  Kendra makes what I think is an awkward reference to having her period, unless I totally misinterpreted it.  Either way, I’m holding it against her.

There’s a clip package where the dancers talk about how they come up with new choreography.  It’s mildly interesting, but I wish they’d mix these up a little more.  Ask them to talk about their favorite Pixar movie, or something.  Yes, I’m complaining that there is too much talk of dancing on a dancing show.  I’m very hard to please that way.

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  1. Pingback: Dancing with the Stars Season Twelve – Week 4 Results | Entertainment Blogs

  2. Don Kowalewski

    “Russian people will be performing to a song about America before being judged by a British man and a crazy Italian guy. It really is a melting pot!” …freegin’ brilliant.

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