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Heroes 4-15 “Pass/Fail”

Previously on Heroes: In an episode that was, blissfully, almost entirely free of Claire, Hiro and Suresh both got their wits about them, Matt’s wife yelled at him, Samuel kidnapped Vanessa, Bennet was awesome, and Emma is poised to kill thousands of people with music, like that time Dethklok hired […]

What's a Spunkybean

What’s A Spunkybean?

Spunkybean was founded in 2008.  We love TV to a crazy degree, and we’ve channeled that obsession to bring you some of the most awesome TV analysis on the web.  Sometimes, we even get into movies, books, music and comics, just to show how well-rounded we are.  We add our […]


Heroes 4-14 “Close to You”

Previously on Heroes: Samuel seemed both less and more evil, at the exact same time. Bennet’s team-up with Knife Guy never got off the ground. The mysterious Vanessa reared her lovingly sketched head. Ando had his facts about Spider-Man wrong. Peter flew away. And Claire continued to complain about the […]

Fun With Pop Culture

We’re Team Conan!

NBC is Run by a Bunch of Talkin’ Monkeys. Like Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast; if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.”  Never has this been truer than in the case of the evolving NBC late night debacle.  Just […]