Amazing Race

Amazing Race – Bringing up the Rear: Season 13, Episode 3 – “Mental Mistakes Trip Up Another Team”, Part 1 – The Mark & Bill Interview

MARK: I wish I wielded this sort of power. It’s a great idea though. Will you wear old-timey beach bathing suits too? Those are coming back I hear. Handlebar mustaches too. Get on that.

BILL:  It sounds like it would be pretty amusing, but one of the central themes of the Race is to see how the relationships of the teammates handle the stressful situations that the Race serves up.  Someday, though — I suppose you never know what the producers will decide…

MYNDI:  Was there any other racer (or team of racers) of whom you had a first impression that was completely changed as the race went along?  Or, conversely, was there someone you had completely pegged from the moment you met them?

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