Big Brother

Big Brother Veto: “The Meow Meow Starts to Play!”

The second answer is Rachel plus Kristen, or Rasten.  Hayden’s out.  Shocker!  Lane’s now cheering for Britney all the way.  The third answer is Matt and Kathy, or Mathy.  Ragan and Enzo are hauling butt, and both get it right, so Brit’s out.

The final answer is a combo of Brendon and Andrew.  Enzo knows the answer immediately and barrels over Ragan as they go down the hill to get the CDs.  Ragan yells out “Ow!”.  Britney tells the folks in the diary room that she’s not talking to them anymore if they don’t slow-mo the footage.  She loved it.  Enzo gets back first and Ragan pitches his CD at OTEV, which it bounces off of and hits Enzo in the head.  Whatever.  That didn’t hurt.  Still, Hayden DRs that Ragan’s a sore loser.  Yes, Hayden, that happens from time to time when people are actually playing aggressively to win something.

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