

Heroes 4-13 “Let it Bleed”

Previously on Heroes: Samuel revealed that his season-long evil plan was to… create a park? He’s like a murderous Leslie Knope, that guy. Outside New York (86 hours ago, the screen informs us in an uncharacteristic bout of precision), Peter meets up with Bennet – Bennet’s got Nathan’s dead body […]


Heroes 4-12 “Upon This Rock”

Previously on Heroes: Man, that was like a month ago. And the way they’ve treated continuity this season, there’s very little chance that we’re picking up where we left off. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Matt turned out to be Nathan wearing a rubber mask. We’ve got […]


Heroes 4-11 “The Fifth Stage”

Previously on Heroes: Three different Thanksgiving dinners went horribly wrong to one degree or another. Samuel killed people with rocks, Claire learned that, once again, it’s all about her, and Sylar got his memories back but changed back into Nathan again anyway. Adrian Pasdar lurks around the Heroes set in […]


Heroes 4-10 “Thanksgiving”

The “previously” scenes almost all feature the Haitian. Since he hasn’t appeared much this season, that’s quite an achievement.  He also doesn’t appear this week, so what the hell? Samuel watches the film that Hiro stole, in which Chandra Suresh talks about the increase in powers. Once again, I’m struck […]


Heroes 4-8: “Shadowboxing”

Is your head still hurting from last week’s episode? Mine too. I’ve thought about it more than anybody really should, and as near as I can determine, that episode should have exploded the space-time continuum. But luckily, things happen in a linear fashion this week, so it should be much […]