Big Brother

Big Brother Eviction: Week 3

Julie tells Casey about breaking up the cliques, and calls the houseguests to the living room.  They already seem to know the cliques are dissolving.  Julie goes on to talk about one of them being granted a “mystery power” that has to be used in the next two weeks, and must be kept a secret until the moment it’s used.  Julis also says this will be up to America.  I bet Chima kind of wishes she hadn’t told us we suck right about now, huh?  Julie also says HOH and POV are more important than ever this week.

Oh, to the Coup D’Etat!  Didn’t Mike Boogie win something like this on the All Star season?  I’m kind of glad I can’t recall the details.  Julie explains that this person can overthrow the HOH by changing one or both of the nominees, putting either one or two new houseguests up right before live voting begins.  C’mon America, Team Jeff!

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