Big Brother

Big Brother Eviction: Week 3

Looks like we have an endurance HOH, as everyone’s sitting on a rope swing.  The whole goal is stay hanging no matter what is “thrown at you”.  The first five people eliminated get “graduation presents”, one of which is $5,000.  The ropes go around like a carousel.  Suddenly a giant foam diploma appears and smacks them all as they go around.  Dammit, why is Jessie missing out on this beating?!  After a brief break, the diploma has been pulled back, much to my dismay.  It will probably be a long night at the BB house, and I guess I’ll have to check Big Brother After Dark before I go to sleep.  Chima says she’s dizzy.  And, now, they’re getting rained on…and the diploma is redeployed!  This is probably the best HOH ever so far.  See ya’ll next week for what we hope is a changing of the tides.

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